Qu’est-ce que Sex Drive?

Cela semble être une question simple, mais les scientifiques ne peuvent toujours pas s’entendre sur ce qui constitue exactement la libido ou comment la mesurer chez les hommes ou les femmes. Bien que les hormones jouent un rôle, on ne sait pas toujours à quel point elles font une différence. Mais d’autres facteurs – psychologiques, sociaux et physiques – travaillent également ensemble pour créer votre libido.

photo de jeune homme

1. Men: Your 20s

Testosterone, a hormone men need for sexual arousal, is typically high in your 20s, and so is your sex drive. But it’s also a time when you could be anxious about sex because of inexperience. That might be part of why 8%, and possibly more, of men in their 20s report erectile dysfunction (ED). The condition can happen because of a medical or mental health issue or even be a sign that you’re at risk for heart disease. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms.

photo de jeune femme

2. Women: Your 20s

You’re likely to be more fertile from your teens to late 20s than you are in the years that follow. This may make you choosier about if and when you have sex, though it’s not clear exactly why. In fact, scientists think that female desire might go up just as fertility starts to decline toward the end of your 20s.

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3. Men: 30s and Early 40s

Many men continue to have a strong sex drive through these years, though testosterone starts to slowly decrease around age 35. It typically goes down by about 1% per year, but it could be faster for some men. This could have some effect on your sex drive. Plus, for many men, the stress of work, family, and other commitments can affect how interested you are in sex.

photo de femme tenant un oreiller

4. Women: 30s and Early 40s

This time of life may be when your sex drive is strongest. One study showed that women between 27 and 45 had more frequent and more intense sexual fantasies than younger or older women. They also had more sex and were more likely to have it sooner in a relationship.

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5. Women: Having Kids

At any age, pregnancy and childbirth have a big impact on your sex life, but it’s different for everyone. Your body and hormones change throughout pregnancy. That may mean a boost in libido at times, especially during the second trimester, and a lack of desire at others.You also may be anxious about whether it’s safe to have sex while you’re pregnant. (It usually is, but ask your doctor if you’re unsure.) Breastfeeding, raising kids, and other work can also affect the time, energy, and interest you have in sex.  

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6. Men: 50s and Beyond

If you’re in good physical and mental health, there’s no reason you shouldn’t continue to enjoy your sex life as you get older. ED does become more common as you age. Your erections may happen less often and may be less firm. But it’s not age itself that causes the problem as much as health problems that become more common with age, like heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity, and the drugs that treat them.  Your doctor can talk to you about your options for treating ED.

photo d'une femme ménopausée

7. Women: 50s and Beyond

Around age 50, an “empty nest” or less worry about getting pregnant might make some women more interested in sex.  But as you head toward menopause, estrogen levels drop, which might cool your libido down a bit and lead to vaginal dryness. Hot flashes, anxiety, weight gain, and sleep problems also can make you less in the mood. Ask your doctor about medicines, hormones, lubrication, and other treatment. 

photo d'un homme mûr travaillant

8. Men: It’s Not Just Testosterone

You need some testosterone to get aroused, but it’s not clear how much. It may vary from person to person. And though it’s true your levels decline with age, scientists don’t know exactly how this affects sex drive. Some men with “low” testosterone show normal sex drive, while others with high levels have sexual problems. Other medical issues, physical fitness, and mental health could be more important factors.

photo d'un médecin parlant avec un patient

9. Your Doctor Can Help

Parlez à votre médecin de tout problème lié à votre libido, car cela pourrait être le signe d’un problème de santé. Si votre réponse physique est le problème, votre médecin peut vous prescrire des hormones qui peuvent augmenter la libido globale (œstrogène pour les femmes, testostérone pour les hommes) ou des médicaments qui stimulent l’excitation sexuelle: le sildénafil (Viagra) et le tadalafil (Cialis) pour les hommes et le bremelanotide (Vyleesi) andflibanserin (Addyi) pour les femmes.

photo d'un couple d'âge mûr étreignant

10. Parler de ça

Interrogez votre partenaire sur ses besoins et ses désirs, et parlez également des vôtres. N’ayez pas peur d’essayer de nouvelles choses à mesure que votre corps évolue et que votre étape de vie change. Cela peut vous aider, vous et votre partenaire, à rester engagés et intéressés par le sexe. Soyez honnête sur votre satisfaction physique et émotionnelle. Ce pourrait même être une bonne idée de réserver certains moments pour être intime.

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